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Let’s Save The Planet Together

Carbon offsets — how do they work?

When you want to save the planet, the first question is “How?” You can make good, green choices in your personal life – recycle, take shorter showers, go vegan – and reduce your personal carbon footprint. And Offset City is here to help you take the next step and go even further – to invest in carbon negative, planet positive projects on a superhuman scale.

Ye olde experts at MIT have this to say about carbon offsets:

Carbon offsets fund specific projects that either lower CO2emissions, or “sequester” CO2, meaning they take some CO2 out of the atmosphere and store it. Some common examples of projects include reforestation, building renewable energy, carbon-storing agricultural practices, and waste and landfill management.

Angelo Gurgel, Ph.D, MIT Research Scientist

If you’re here, you want to save the planet. We do too! But can we shift our 150,000-head cattle herd’s feed from soy beans to kelp? Can we replan our 30-story building building to use materials that reinforce concrete with plastics instead of steel? Can the 5,000 retail locations we manage switch refrigerants from HFCs to natural materials?

No! We’re just people! A bunch of motivated individual Americans, not mega-polluto-corps with mega-gassy-scale!! 

But … we can still invest in making those vetted, certified projects happen by buying carbon offsets. This makes big investments in green-positive, carbon-negative projects possible at superhuman scale.

So where does Offset City come in? Well, until now carbon offsets have been a trading game between big organizations. One company buys a forest and promises not to touch it, and another company pays them for the credits — so they can run their coal plant for an extra year and claim they’re still extremely virtuous. 

But we’re changing the math. 

Offset City buys up those offsets in bulk – so they go to fund big, meaningful projects – and dices them up for our community members to buy. And now *poof* the coal guy can’t have ’em.

And we’re not gonna use them to burn coal. We’re not gonna use them to pollute at all.

Because we are here to SAVE.

Pick the membership level that’s right for you.

The Virtual Vegan

Go virtually vegan by offsetting 1.8 TONS of emissions per year.

✔ 1.8 TONS Annual Plan
✔ Verified by VERRA
✔ 6-month Price Lock
✔ Cancel any time

The Resolute Biker

Un-guzzle all your gas by offsetting 6 TONS per year.

✔ 6 TONS Annual Plan
✔ Verified by VERRA
✔ 6-month Price Lock
✔ Cancel any time

The Liminal Ghost

Pretend like you’re not even here with 18 TONS per year.

✔ 18 TONS Annual Plan
✔ Verified by VERRA
✔ 6-month Price Lock
✔ Cancel any time

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are supplies limited?

The price of carbon offsets is skyrocketing (up 300% from 2020 to 2022) and extremely volatile. We are super conservative with what we promise our customers – we only offer plans when we can guarantee 6 months of the same pricing, which means we only offer offsets we have in hand or under contract at the price advertised. So we can run out! But if you buy today, you’ll lock in that pricing for at least 6 months.

Why do you only serve the USA?

We’re based in the USA. Check back in a few months, we’ll see.

Are there penalties for canceling?

Nope, cancel any time. If you do cancel and re-subscribe, we unfortunately cannot reset your price guarantee clock, so you’ll have to come back on board with whatever the latest price point is.